Black Church of Brasov
Black Church of Brasov
The Black Church of Brasov is the largest late Gothic style church in Eastern Europe. It replaces an older Roman basilica dating from the 13th century, which was destroyed by the Mongol invasion in 1241.
Die Schwarze Kirche in Kronstadt ist die größte spätgotische Kirche in Osteuropa. Sie ersetzt eine ältere römische Basilika aus dem 13. Jahrhundert die durch den Mongolensturm von 1241 zerstört wurde.
Biserica Neagra din Brasov este cea mai mare Biserica in stil gotic tarziu din Europa de est. Ea inlocuieste o mai veche bazilica romanica din sec. al XIII-lea distrusa de invazia mongola din 1241.
Photo taken in March 2009.
Location: Brașov county
Construction: 14th – 15th century
German name: Schwarze Kirche
Hungarian name: Fekete Templom
Romanian name: Biserica Neagră
More photos of the fortified church of Harman and also other fortified churches from Transylvania are available on the Fortified churches and Fortified churches 2 pages in the Portfolio section of this website.
Some images of fortified churches can also be found on