Fortified church of Cristian 001

The fortified church of Cristian

The fortified church of Cristian stands on the site of a 13th century Roman basilica. It was fortified in the 15th century and rebuilt in a Neoclassic style in the 19th century.

Die Kirchenburg Neustadt wurde auf der Stelle einer römischen Basilika aus dem 13. Jahrhundert gebaut. Sie wurde im 15. Jahrhundert befestigt und im 19. Jahrhundert im neoklassizistischen Stil umgebaut.

Biserica fortificata Cristian a fost construita in sec. al XIII-lea pe locul unei bazilici romanice.  A fost fortificata in sec. al XV-lea si reconstruita in stil neoclasic in sec. al XIX-lea.

Photo taken in March 2015.

Location: Brasov county

Construction: 15th – 16th century

German name: Neustadt

Hungarian name: Keresztényfalva

Romanian name: Cristian

More photos of the fortified church of Cristian and also of other fortified churches from Transylvania are available on the Fortified churches and Fortified churches 2 pages in the Portfolio section of this website.

Fortified church of Cristian | Kirchenburg Neustadt | Biserica fortificata Cristian 02

Some images of fortified churches can also be found on