Fortified church of Harman
Fortified church of Hărman
The fortified church of Hărman was built upon the groundwork of a 12th century roman basilica.
Die Kirchenburg von Honigberg wurde auf dem Grundstein einer römischen Basilika vom 12. Jahrhundert gebaut.
Biserica fortificata de la Harman a fost construita pe fundatia unei vechi bazilici romanice din secolul al XII-lea.
Photo taken in September 2008.
Location: Braşov county
Construction: 13th century
German name: Honigberg
Hungarian name: Szászhermány
Romanian name: Hărman
Latin name: Mons Mellis
More photos of the fortified church of Harman and also other fortified churches from Transylvania are available on the Fortified churches and Fortified churches 2 pages in the Portfolio section of this website.
Some images of fortified churches can also be found on