Fortified church of Viscri
Fortified church of Viscri
The fortified church of Viscri was built in the 13th. century upon the groundwork of a 12th century roman basilica and has been on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1993.
Die Kirchenburg Deutsch-Weißkirch wurde im 13. Jahrhundert auf dem Grundstein einer römischen Basilika vom 12. Jahrhundert gebaut und steht seit 1993 auf der Liste des Weltkulturerbes der UNESCO.
Biserica fortificata de la Viscri a fost construita in sec. al XIII-lea pe locul unei bazilici romane din sec. al XII-lea si se afla in patrimoniul mondial UNESCO din anul 1993.
Photo taken in February 2015.
Location: Brasov county
Construction: 12th – 16th century
German name: Deutschweißkirch
Hungarian name: Szászfehéregyháza
Romanian name: Viscri
Latin name: Alba Ecclesia
More photos of the fortified church of Harman and also other fortified churches from Transylvania are available on the Fortified churches and Fortified churches 2 pages in the Portfolio section of this website.
Some images of fortified churches can also be found on